§ 8.52.110. Relocation assistance—Required when.  

Latest version.
  • The relocation assistance provided for in Sections 8.52.120, 8.52.130 and 8.52.140 of this chapter shall be provided to tenants who are evicted for the purpose of demolishing a unit or converting a unit into a condominium, cooperative or community apartment, or transferring ownership thereof, or to tenants who voluntarily vacate after receiving written notice from the landlord of the intention to demolish or convert; provided, however, that such relocation assistance shall nor be required if the rental unit was rented to all of the current tenants subsequent to their receipt of a written notice of intention to demolish or convert.

(Ord. 12148 § 1 (part), 1980: Ord. 11950 § 6.5(A), 1979.)