§ 8.52.120. Relocation assistance—Assistance in locating comparable unit.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    The landlord shall assist each tenant in finding a comparable replacement rental unit. Comparability shall be determined from the following factors: size, price, location, and amenities. A unit is not comparable if it is located in a building for which an application for conversion purposes has been filed with any governmental agency. Such assistance shall be available to all eligible tenants within 10 days of the date on which the 120-day notice required by Government Code Section 66427.1 is sent to each tenant. Such assistance shall include, at a minimum, the following:


    Making available to each tenant an updated report concerning the availability of comparable rental housing in the area of the tenant's present unit;


    Driving tenants without cars, and assisting tenants with cars, in order to inspect units.


    Until each tenant is successfully relocated pursuant to the provisions of this section and Sections 8.52.110 and 8.52.030 through 8.52.170 the tenant shall be permitted to reside in the unit presently occupied in the conversion project; provided, however, the subdivider is not required to consent to continue tenancy beyond the latest of:


    12 months from the date of tentative tract map or tentative parcel map approval; or


    120 days after the date on which the 120-day notice of intent is given to all tenants; or


    The receipt by the subdivider of the final subdivision report from the department of real estate.

(Ord. 12148 § 1 (part), 1980: Ord. 11950 § 6.5(B), 1979.)