The Building Official may require an engineering geology or soils engineering report, or both, where in the Building Official's opinion, such reports are essential for the evaluation of the safety of the site. The engineering geology or soils engineering report or both shall contain a finding regarding the safety of the site of the proposed work against hazard from landslide, settlement or slippage and a finding regarding the effect that the proposed work will have on the geotechnical stability of the area outside of the proposed work. Any engineering geology report shall be prepared by a certified engineering geologist licensed in the State of California. Any soils engineering report shall be prepared by a civil engineer licensed in the State of California, experienced in the field of soil mechanics, or a geotechnical engineer licensed in the State of California. When both an engineering geology and soils engineering report are required for the evaluation of the safety of a building site, the two reports shall be coordinated before submission to the Building Official.
(Ord. 2007-0108 § 2 (part), 2007: Ord. 2002-0076 § 53, 2002: Ord. 95-0065 § 3 (part), 1995.)