§ 17.12.232. Motor vehicle parking.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Designated Spaces. No person shall park any vehicle at any beach public parking lot other than in an established or designated parking space for such vehicle and only if the vehicle displays a current registration decal/sticker or permit, as applicable. No part of any vehicle, including any awnings or other property of the owner, operator, or person in charge of the vehicle, may extend beyond the markings of the designated parking space. All parking at a beach public parking lot shall be in accordance with the posted signs at such location and/or pursuant to the instruction of any attendant.


    Double Parking. No person shall double-park any vehicle at any beach public parking lot without the prior written permission of the Director.


    Trailers. The vehicle owner or operator of any vehicle with a trailer must obtain advance written permission from the Director prior to parking such vehicle at any beach public parking lot. All such trailers must be connected to their tow vehicles.


    Camping and Recreational Vehicles Restricted. Camping and recreational vehicles, and any other vehicle designed, built, or modified for camping or for any form of human habitation, shall be parked only in areas specifically designated for such parking, except as otherwise authorized under Section 17.12.250. No person parking such a vehicle shall operate a generator outside of the vehicle.


    Parking Overnight Restriction. No vehicle may park overnight in any beach public parking lot except with advance written permission from the Director, or in accordance with Section 17.12.250.B.


    Oversized Vehicles Prohibition. Any vehicle that fails to fit within one designated parking space is defined to be an oversized vehicle and must park in tandem or in a designated parking area authorized by the parking attendant. Any vehicle greater than 40 feet in length is prohibited from being and/or parking on any beach public parking lot without the prior written permission from the Director.


    Commercial Vehicle Prohibition. No commercial vehicle may park overnight in any beach public parking lot or other area designated for public parking without the prior written permission from the Director.


    Parking Only. All beach public parking lots, and all other areas designated for public parking, are for parking purposes only, unless an exemption is granted by the Director. No person shall inhabit any area of any beach public parking lot, nor shall any person place or store any property, personal belongings, or belongings of others, on any beach public parking lot. Furthermore, no person on any beach public parking lot shall conduct, perform, or cause to be performed any repairs, alterations, maintenance, cleaning, or other work on any vehicle or trailer, or cause any materials or substance, including, paint, oil, or other petroleum products, dirt, paint sandings or chips, wood sandings, or other residue or debris to be deposited on any beach or facility owned, controlled, or managed by the County, or to enter the Pacific Ocean.


    Parking Fee Exemption. Any vehicle that displays a valid veterans special license plate issued pursuant to the provisions of California Vehicle Code sections 5007(a)(2) (disabled veteran), 5101.3 (Pearl Harbor survivor), 5101.4 (Medal of Honor and Distinguished Service Cross), 5101.5 (former American prisoner of war), 5101.6 (Congressional Medal of Honor), and/or 5101.8 (Purple Heart recipient) shall be exempt from paying parking fees on any County-owned, County-controlled, or County-managed public parking lot where entrance or exit to or from the involved lot is not controlled solely by an automated system. This fee exemption shall not apply on weekends or holidays, other than Veterans Day, to the extent that a parking fee is otherwise payable on such days. Notwithstanding the provisions of this subsection, any vehicle eligible for a parking fee exemption shall be subject to all other applicable parking restrictions at the involved location.

(Ord. 2012-0005 § 33, 2012.)