§ 17.12.230. Motor vehicle restrictions.  

Latest version.
  • If the Director finds that at certain times, or under specified restrictions, or at designated places a person can so operate a motor vehicle so as to not interfere in any way with the use of any beach, he may grant such person permission so to operate such motor vehicle. Otherwise, a person shall not bring to or operate on any beach any motor vehicle except as permitted by the Director, and subject to all of the conditions which are a part of such permission. If permission to operate a motor vehicle is granted, a person shall park such motor vehicle only in those areas designated by the director for parking.

(Ord. 2012-0005 § 32, 2012: Ord. 2007-0071 § 4, 2007: Ord. 9767 Art. 3 § 44, 1969.)