§ 8.58.010. Retaliatory action.  

Latest version.
  • No mobilehome park owner shall take any form of retaliatory action against a mobilehome park tenant, whose rent was previously subject to the requirements of Section 8.57.070 of the Los Angeles County Code, as a result of lost rents that were in excess of the rents set by the Los Angeles County Adjustment Commission during the term of Ordinance No. 87-0228, codified as Chapter 8.57 of the Los Angeles County Code. Any rent level set for such mobilehome park tenant which is greater than those of comparable mobilehome spaces in the same mobilehome park and any legal action brought by the owner to evict such a tenant that refuses to pay such rent shall be presumed to be retaliatory; this presumption affects the burden of proof and is rebuttable by the mobilehome park owner.

    As used in this chapter, "mobilehome park owner" or "owner" means the owner, lessor, operator or manager of a mobilehome park in the county of Los Angeles.

    This section shall not apply to any mobilehome park that was exempt at any time from the provisions of Ordinance No. 87-0228 pursuant to Section 8.57.030 of that ordinance.

(Ord. 95-0008U § 1 (part), 1995.)