§ 8.56.160. Effect of petition for mediation.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    If, within 10 days of the receipt of a notice of an increase in rent or a notice of termination pursuant to Civil Code Section 1946, a petition for mediation is filed by a tenant affected by such notice, a first or second stage mediation hearing shall be set prior to the effective date of the notice, unless the notice is lawfully set to take effect in less than 30 days. In such case, the hearing shall be set within 20 days of the tenant's filing of such petition.


    The filing of a petition for mediation by an affected tenant shall stay the effective date of a notice of rental increase or 30-day notice served pursuant to California Civil Code Section 1946 unless or until the rental property owner or manager of the premises, or the landlord's duly authorized agent meets with the tenant requesting mediation at the hearing. The filing of a petition for mediation shall not stay the effect of a notice of less than 30 days if the tenant has previously agreed in writing to a notice period of less than 30 days.


    No notice shall be invalid or otherwise ineffective for failure of the parties to reach agreement during the mediation process.


    Nothing in this chapter shall relieve a tenant of the obligation to pay the rent in effect prior to the receipt of the notice of increase, whether or not the landlord meets with the tenant at the mediation hearing.

(Ord. 83-0090 § 1 (part), 1983.)