§ 8.56.040. Membership.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    The director of community and senior services shall have the authority to appoint 15 or more members of the panel who shall serve without compensation for the period of time that this chapter is in effect, except that the board of supervisors or the director may remove any member at any time. Members of the landlord-tenant mediation panel shall receive a mileage allowance and reimbursement for occasional parking in the amount and manner set forth in Section 5.40.130 of this code for the use of a privately owned motor vehicle in attending hearings or meetings of the panel.


    The panel membership shall be balanced among landlords, including mobile home park owners, tenants and neutral parties who are neither landlords nor tenants. All panel members shall be appointed from the ranks of volunteers who have completed mediation training and have been rated as qualified by the Federal Mediation Conciliation Service or such other agency as may be designated by the director.


    The director shall appoint additional panel members or alternates as he or she deems necessary to adjust to the increased demands for mediation hearings. The director shall maintain a file of current eligible qualified volunteers.

(Ord. 95-0051 § 6, 1995: Ord. 84-0232 § 1, 1984: Ord. 83-0090 § 1 (part), 1983.)