§ 8.36.060. Handbill and tip sheet distribution prohibited—Exceptions.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    A person shall not, upon any street, sidewalk, highway or parkway, cast, throw or deposit, sell or distribute among pedestrians or to persons in vehicles, any tip sheet or any commercial advertising handbill, or any handbill distributed for the purpose of advertising any merchandise, commodity, property, business, service, act, or skill, offered, sold or rendered for hire, reward, price, trade or profit.


    This section shall not be deemed or construed to prohibit or restrict the distribution of written or printed matter devoted to the expression of views, opinions, beliefs or contentions relating to religious, political or sociological subjects, or to public or civic affairs, or to labor disputes or other controversies, or to community, state, regional, national or international affairs, or which treat of any social or economic order, or which relate to the arts or sciences; or which are aimed to redress any grievance, or which otherwise are not distributed for the purpose of soliciting business, trade or custom; nor shall the terms of subsection A of this section be deemed to include the printed notice of an event which is not arranged for profit or to stimulate the business, trade, or traffic of the person who causes the dissemination of the notice, even though a monetary contribution or an admission fee be requested or accepted in connection with such event.

(Ord. 7729 § 2 (part), 1960: Ord. 1043 § 2.3, 1924.)