§ 7.24.380. Endorsement—Conditions specified.  

Latest version.
  • The commission may endorse any charitable or philanthropic corporation or association if after investigation as provided in this Part 5 it finds:


    The title of any real property in this county owned by such charitable corporation or association in vested in the name of such charity, if it be a corporation, or else in the name or names of a responsible trustee or trustees under a declaration of trust or other written instrument setting forth the rights of the said charitable corporation or association therein, which written instrument is recorded in the office of the registrar-recorder of this county;


    That the declared purposes for which such a corporation or association is organized are charitable or philanthropic, and not for the pecuniary profit of the members or associates thereof, or any of them;


    That for three months prior to its endorsement said charitable corporation or association has faithfully complied with the following provisions with reference to its accounts, namely:


    All funds received by it, and all disbursements made by it, have been entered upon the books of its treasurer or other financial officer, and receipts have been given or tendered for all money or other property donated to it, whenever required by law or ordinance;


    All expenditures other than petty cash to a reasonable amount have been made by checks signed by at least two officers of such corporation or association;


    That the bankbook of such association or corporation has been balanced and reconciled with the books of account at reasonable intervals;


    That no moneys of said corporation or association are on loan directly or indirectly to any officer, director, trustee or employee thereof, and that the corporation or association for a period of three months prior to its endorsement has not invested any moneys constituting part of its permanent endowment funds except in securities legal as investments for savings banks within the state of California, and has not paid out more than 15 percent of any amount collected by solicitation within this county for expense of solicitation, and has not diverted funds donated to it from any source to purposes other than those for which they were donated;


    That the work for which such corporation or association has been organized has been faithfully performed;


    That the bylaws and other written rules and regulations of such corporation or association define the powers and duties of the officers of such corporation or association, and that a copy of the articles of incorporation of said charity, if it be a corporation, and a copy of the bylaws and other written rules and regulations of such corporation or association have been filed with the commission;


    That within one year prior to its endorsement such corporation or association has not violated any law or ordinance applicable to it;


    That the officers and employees of such corporation or association are persons of good moral character and reputation and that the corporation or association has exercised reasonable care in selecting persons of good moral character and reasonable experience as solicitors for its funds.

(Ord. 9678 § 2 (part), 1968: Ord. 5860 Ch. 18 Art. 5 § 3162, 1951.)