§ 17.12.480. Sailboards, kite boards, surfboards, paddleboards, ocean kayaks, surf skis, rigid hull surf-craft, and similar objects—Use restrictions.  

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  • A.



    Such restriction shall be effective when a yellow flag having dimensions of not less than two feet by two feet and having a solid black circle in the center (commonly known as a "blackball flag") is prominently displayed from an ocean lifeguard tower, ocean lifeguard station, pier, or similar structure under the control of the Department of Beaches and Harbors or the District. At such times as the blackball flag is displayed, swimming and bathing only shall be permitted in the Pacific Ocean opposite those areas of the beach within 200 yards of the point of display of said blackball flag; provided, however, that where said blackball flag is displayed from consecutive operational ocean lifeguard towers, ocean lifeguard stations, and similar structures under the control of the Department of Beaches and Harbors along a beach regulated by this Part 3, then all areas of the Pacific Ocean opposite said beach shall be restricted to swimming and bathing only; and


    Such restrictions shall also be indicated by pairs of flags put in place by an ocean lifeguard. At such times as such flags are displayed, swimming and bathing only shall be permitted in the waters of the Pacific Ocean opposite those areas of the beach lying between a given pair of such flags;


    A person shall not use, possess, or operate in the Pacific Ocean opposite any beach regulated by this Part 3 a surfmat, bodyboard, paddleboard, surfboard, or similar device except within 200 yards from shore or 50 yards seaward of the point at which the farthest wave is breaking, whichever distance is greater, or when used by a skin diver to hold the flag required by Section 17.12.450 C. This restriction shall not apply to sailboards or kite boards.


    A person shall not use, possess, or operate in the Pacific Ocean opposite any beach regulated by this Part 3 a fishing pole, spear, sling or other spear fishing equipment, sailboard, kite board, paddleboard, skimboard or surfboard, within 100 feet of any person in the ocean thereof who was not at the time using or possessing a similar object. Any beach or portion thereof may be closed to fishing at any time deemed necessary for public safety by the ocean lifeguard in charge of that beach or portion thereof.


    A person shall not use, possess, or operate in the Pacific Ocean opposite any beach regulated by this Part 3 a sailboard or kite board with the sail up within 50 yards of the farthest breaking wave from the shoreline except within the areas designated by the Director, Fire Chief, or ocean lifeguard, for the exclusive use of sailboards and kite boards pursuant to paragraph E of this section.


    Notwithstanding any provisions of this section, the Director, Fire Chief, or ocean lifeguard may designate certain areas to be used exclusively by persons using sailboards, kite boards, surfboards, or paddleboards. Such designation may provide for one or more of these devices to be used within the same designated area. Such designation may be revoked at any time and the area covered by any such designation may be enlarged or reduced at any time. A person shall not swim or bathe in the Pacific Ocean included in an area so designated except while using a sailboard, kite board, surfboard, or paddleboard, or as is necessary in order to use a sailboard, kite board, surfboard, or paddleboard.


    A person in violation of the restrictions set forth in this section shall not fail, refuse, or neglect to leave the Pacific Ocean opposite any beach regulated by this Part 3 when such restrictions are in effect.


    No person shall swim, surf, skin dive, scuba dive, or otherwise recreate in the Pacific Ocean within 100 feet of any pier.

(Ord. 2012-0005 § 53, 2012: Ord. 91-0121 § 3, 1991: Ord. 85-0206 § 9, 1985: Ord. 10025 § 7, 1970: Ord. 9767 Art. 3 § 57, 1969.)