§ 17.04.280. Authority to issue citation for misdemeanor violations.  

Latest version.
  • Pursuant to Section 5380 of the State Public Resources Code, Senior Lifeguards and Lifeguards I and II of the county department of parks and recreation are authorized to issue citations in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 5c (commencing with Section 853.6), Title 3, Part 2, of the Penal Code for misdemeanor violations of state law and county or city ordinances committed in their presence within Castaic Lake and those certain parks containing park waters, known as Bonelli Park and Santa Fe Dam.

(Ord. 12087, 1980: Ord. 11147 § 3, 1975: Ord. 10729 § 4, 1973: Ord. 10309 Art. 2 § 25.1, 1971.)