§ 5.  

Latest version.
  • (Reference: Section 2502, Title 17, California Administrative Code)



    An outbreak is defined as an unusually high incidence of a disease in excess of normal expectancy in a given area or population group. One case of smallpox constitutes an outbreak, while several cases of measles, mumps or hepatitis in the population at large could be considered a normal occurrence. However, when these cases occur in a localized area of the community, a classroom, industry, apartment complex, hospital, etc., they would be considered outbreaks.


    General Procedures:

    Knowledge of an outbreak of infectious or parasitic disease or infestation, whether or not reportable, is investigated by the District Health Officer and reported to the Chief, Acute Communicable Disease Control. When the outbreak occurs anywhere other than in a health care facility, it is reported on the GENERAL INVESTIGATION RECORD, SDH-262501.


    Health Care Facility Outbreaks:

    Whoever receives knowledge of an outbreak initiates the CD OUTBREAK NOTICE—HEALTH CARE FACILITY, H-1163 and additionally, telephones Acute Communicable Disease Control when outbreak occurs in an acute care hospital.


    Acute Care Hospital. Because of complex licensure requirements and the involvement of multiple districts, the Acute Communicable Disease Control staff is responsible for the epidemiological investigation in these facilities.


    Convalescent Care Facility. The district Health Officer investigates and reports on the CD OUTBREAK INVESTIGATION—HEALTH CARE FACILITY, H-1164.