§ 8.52.060. Rent adjustment commission.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Creation and Organization of the County Rent Adjustment Commission. There is created and established a commission to be known as the "county rent adjustment commission."


    Membership. Each member of the board shall nominate three persons to be appointed to the commission, and the board from such nominations shall appoint 15 members to the commission. The three persons nominated by each board member shall consist of one landlord, one tenant, and one person who is neither a landlord nor a tenant.


    Term. The term of office for each member of the commission shall be for the period of time the ordinance codified in this chapter is in effect, except that the board may remove any member at any time.


    Meetings. The commission shall meet at least once every two months.


    Compensation. Each member shall be paid $25.00 for each day the member attends a meeting or sits as a member of a rent adjustment panel.


    Duties. The commission shall be responsible for acting upon applications for rent adjustments submitted pursuant to Section 8.52.070 of this chapter.


    At its first meeting, the commission shall elect a chairperson and such other officers as the commission may deem appropriate. The chairperson shall divide the commission into five rent adjustment panels, each panel to consist of a landlord, a tenant, and a person who is neither a landlord nor a tenant.


    An application for a rent adjustment shall be assigned by the chairperson to a designee; that is, to a rent adjustment panel or to staff. The rent adjustment panel or staff shall act upon the application, and its decision shall constitute the decision of the commission unless appealed by the affected applicant or tenant to the commission as a whole.


    The director of the department of community development shall designate department employees to furnish staff support to the commission.

(Ord. 82-0055 § 1, 1982: Ord. 12148 § 1 (part), 1980: Ord. 11950 § 4.5, 1979.)