§ 8.52.011. Declaration of purpose for two-week extension.  

Latest version.
  • The board of supervisors finds that although many rental units have been subject to vacancy decontrol under the existing rent regulation ordinance, the problems posed by immediate decontrol, as of June 30, 1983, for the tenants still subject to rent control are likely to be major. The board is currently exploring practical methods of alleviating those problems for tenants while insuring the rights of landlords to experience a just and reasonable return on their investment. Specifically, the board has under consideration a proposal for the 30-month extension of rent regulation and the establishment of a mediation panel through which tenants would be accorded an opportunity to meet and confer with landlords prior to eviction or imposition of rental increases. In order to study the effects of such a proposal upon the current housing problems and to determine the extent of current effects of the housing shortage, this board finds that it is necessary to continue to regulate rents at their current rate for an additional two weeks until July 14, 1983.

(Ord. 83-0084 § 1, 1983.)