§ 8.52.010. Declaration of purpose.  

Latest version.
  • Due to a critical shortage of decent, safe and sanitary housing in the unincorporated areas of the county, the board of supervisors enacted the ordinance codified in this chapter and from time to time extended it. A two-year phased deregulation extended rent control until June 30, 1983. It was based upon the extreme financial hardship to and a dislocation of numerous rent-controlled tenants which would ensue as a result of immediate termination of rent regulation. The board now finds that because rents to existing tenants have been held at artificially low levels, a two-tier rent structure has been created; that is, market-rate rents for new tenants and substantially under-market rents for tenants with controlled units. By lifting all controls at this time, the rent levels on the regulated units will have a tendency to rise to market value in a relatively short period. The result will be tenant dislocation and short-term economic hardships, especially for the elderly, if the current ordinance is immediately terminated. The board finds that, due to vacancy decontrol, a large percentage of rental units are no longer subject to rent control and, further, that rental units occupied by the elderly are more likely still to be subject to rent control since the mobility of such individuals is substantially less than that of other renters. Therefore, those elderly on fixed incomes who remain in controlled units will be severely impacted by sudden decontrol. The board, nevertheless, finds that it is necessary in the long term to provide sufficient incentives and reduce rent-control regulation in order to create opportunities for new construction in the county. For these reasons, this board now finds it necessary in order to protect the health, safety and welfare of the inhabitants of the unincorporated area of the county, to adopt a transition ordinance with a 30-month term, terminating on December 31, 1985. The transition ordinance provides that during the last 12 months of its term (January 1, 1985 through December 31, 1985), units shall be permanently removed from rent control based on the month that the tenant then occupying the controlled unit initially moved into the unit. For example, if a tenant moved into a controlled unit on March 5, 1975, the unit would be removed from rent control on March 31, 1985; if the tenant moved in on December 1, 1977, the unit would be removed on December 31, 1985. The board finds that this mechanism will ease the administrative difficulties in winding down the ordinance.

(Ord. 83-0089 § 1, 1983: Ord. 12346 § 1, 1981: Ord. 12231 § 1, 1980: Ord. 12148 § 1 (part), 1980: Ord. 11950 § 1, 1979.)