§ 7.94.270. Manager required on premises.  

Latest version.
  • Each body art establishment licensed pursuant to this chapter shall, at all times that such establishment is open, have present and on the premises a manager, as defined in Section 11.36.230. The manager must be familiar with the requirements of this chapter and be capable of communicating the provisions of this chapter to employees and others conducting body art activity at the establishment and all actual or prospective clients of and visitors to the establishment. The manager shall make an effort to immediately identify himself or herself to the sheriff or any other county official entering the body art establishment on official business. In the owner's absence, the manager shall be authorized to accept on behalf of the owner or any other person licensed pursuant to this chapter any notice issued to such owner or other licensed person pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.

(Ord. 99-0039 § 3 (part), 1999.)