§ 7.60.060. License—Application—Accompanying documents.  

Latest version.
  • At the time of filing an application for a license for an outdoor festival, the applicant, at the same time, also shall file:


    Four copies of white-background prints of a map drawn to scale, showing:


    The location of the property concerned,


    The location of all highways, streets, alleys, lots and parcels of land within 700 feet of the exterior boundaries of the proposed use,


    The location of the parking area and of all other areas to be used for other uses incidental to the outdoor festival,


    All interior access ways,


    Access to the property,


    The location and detailed plans of all buildings and structures on the premises or to be erected, including the bandstand, stage or other facility for performers,


    The location of all loudspeakers,


    The location of all toilet, medical, drinking and other facilities;


    A certified list, as shown on the latest available assessment roll of the county, of the names and addresses of all persons to whom all property is assessed within 500 feet of the exterior boundaries of the proposed use;


    A document showing that the applicant is the owner of the premises, or an agreement in writing signed by the owner permitting such use of the premises and the filing of the application;


    The agreements or contracts which show what doctors, first-aid attendants and ambulances which will be available at the outdoor festival;


    An agreement signed by the applicant that, within 72 hours after the conclusion of the outdoor festival he will clean up the premises and remove all trash and debris therefrom; such agreement shall be secured by an undertaking or assignment of savings and loan shares or certificates, or both, in a total amount of not less than $5,000.00;


    If such outdoor festival is not exclusively devoted to religious worship and music incidental thereto, an agreement signed by the applicant and by the owner of the subject premises that they will reimburse all owners and occupants of property adjoining the subject premises for all damages of any kind to such owners or occupants or to their property caused by the applicant, owner of the subject premises, or by any person attending the outdoor festival, which damage would not have occurred had the outdoor festival not been held, and an undertaking, policy of insurance, or agreement accompanied by the assignment of savings and loan shares or certificates, or a combination of any two or all of the above as provided in this Part 1.

(Ord. 9962 § 4 (part), 1970: Ord. 5860 Ch. 19 Art. 2 § 3214, 1951.)