§ 17.04.820. Speed limits.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    The entire area of any park waters is designated as a speed zone in which no person, except a public officer in the performance of his duty, shall operate a vessel or cause it to be operated at a speed greater than the posted maximum speed limit, nor at a speed that is not reasonable or prudent, having due regard for other vessels, property and persons on said waters, and visibility and weather conditions prevailing at the time.


    The prima facie speed limit in all areas to which this Part 4 applies shall be five knots, unless posted differently by the authority of the director.


    No person shall operate a vessel upon park waters in such a manner that the speed thereof creates an unnecessary or excessive wake.


    No person shall operate or permit to be operated a motor vessel at any speed, while any person on board said vessel is positioned in such a manner as to endanger said person.


    A person shall not operate a vessel in excess of 12 knots on any portion of park waters except as stated in Section 17.04.1000. This section shall not apply to any vessel operator participating as a contestant pursuant to Section 17.04.700.

(Ord. 10729 § 16 (part), 1973: Ord. 10309 Art. 5 § 113, 1971.)