§ 11.64.030. Smoking Prohibited in Designated Areas.  

Latest version.
  • Smoking, including the use of electronic smoking devices, or allowing smoking or the use of electronic smoking devices, is prohibited in the following places within the unincorporated area of the County of Los Angeles:


    Elevators open to the public.


    Buses and bus stops.


    Museums and libraries.


    Any indoor area of every private or public health-care facility, including but not limited to hospitals; and all outdoor areas of County owned or operated healthcare facilities, except that smoking by patients may be allowed in designated outdoor patient smoking areas in County owned or operated recuperative care facilities, facilities treating mental illness, and long-term health care facilities, including those defined in section 1250 of the Health and Safety Code, subject to the Director of the County department responsible for the facility.


    Within the public portion of any building, not open to the sky, which is primarily used for or designated for the purpose of exhibiting any motion picture, stage drama, lecture, musical recital, or other similar performance, whenever open to the public (except when smoking is a part of the performance itself).


    Within any meeting room, chamber or place of public assembly where public business is being conducted and which is open to members of the general public, either as participants or as spectators.


    Within any area of a public beach, including parking areas designated for use by the public.


    Within 40 feet of any mobile food or temporary food facility, including trucks and carts that serve food to patrons.


    Within 25 feet of any outdoor area of an eating establishment or bar set aside for use by patrons.

(Ord. 2019-0011 § 5, 2019: Ord. 2005-0018 § 2, 2005; Ord. 2004-0034U § 2, 2004; Ord. 11421 § 3, 1976.)