Los Angeles County |
Code of Ordinances |
Section 11.
It shall be the duty of the Board of Supervisors:
To appoint all County officers other than elective officers, and all officers, assistants, deputies, clerks, attaches and employees whose appointment is not provided for by this Charter.
Except in the cases of appointees to the unclassified service, all appointments by the Board shall be from the eligible civil service list. The Board shall provide, by ordinance, for the compensation of elective officers and of its appointees, unless such compensation is otherwise fixed by this Charter.
To provide, by ordinance, for the number of assistants, deputies, clerks, attaches and other persons to be employed from time to time in the several offices and institutions of the County, and for their compensation and the times at which they shall be appointed.
To provide, by ordinance, for the creation of offices other than those required by the constitution and laws of the State, and for the appointment of persons to fill the same, and to fix their compensation. The Board of Supervisors may also, by ordinance, consolidate or separate offices provided for in this Charter or by law.
To require, if deemed expedient, any County or township officer, or employee, before or after entering upon the duties of his office, or service, to give bond for the faithful performance thereof, in such penal sums as may be fixed by the Board.
To provide, publish and enforce, a complete code of rules, not inconsistent with general laws or this Charter, prescribing in detail the duties, and the systems of office and institutional management, accounts and reports for each of the offices, institutions and departments of the County.
No ordinance controlling rents of residential rental units shall be enacted to control the rent of any rental unit located in a structure for which a certificate of occupancy was issued after November 1, 1980. This Section shall be in effect until November 1, 2000 upon which date it shall expire.